真正的旅者 发表于 2011-3-6 14:56:21

【a day a song ~2011.03.06】Thursdays——Lovestoned

本帖最后由 真正的旅者 于 2011-4-19 23:13 编辑

前一段时间听到了Lovestoned的《bye bye bye》,节奏相当强烈,特别喜欢那样干净明快的曲风~So,就去找了Lovestoned的专辑来听~




网上关于他们这个组合的介绍不是很多,他们是一个来自瑞典的组合,2010年出新专辑《Rising Love》,其中,Rising girl作为主打歌曲首先推广于各大网站,并获得不错的好评。当他们70%的retro-synthesiser声音和与众不同的吉他的旋律,可以让你拥有置身夏天的感觉,轻快的吉他、大鼓和ukulele配合的声音仿佛柔和的微风拂过~~

2010年同名专辑《Rising Love》
01 Rising Girl (Radio Version)
02 Thursdays (Single Version)
03 I Know Nothing
04 Bye Bye Bye
05 Echo Echo (Whole Again)
06 Gotta Lot of Love
07 He Was the One
08 Always On the Run
09 Invitation
10 Love Won’t Wait
11 Switch Me On
12 Somewhere Over the Rainbow / What a Wonderful World
13 Who’s That Girl



真正的旅者 发表于 2011-3-6 14:59:26


Morning news the coffee's getting cold
Thursday again yeah this is getting old
The clock at work is always slowing down
My desk's a boat running aground
It's like just a number seven bus
Goes by and leaves me standing in the dust
I'm glad you're here to help me fill the years
But we both know we're going to tears
Give me a few silly Saturdays
I'll take the God it's finally Friday's
Or a lot of lazy Sundays
If we have a million more to go
Let's live them all and make them heydays then
Than just a bunch of Thursdays in a row
Oh oh oh ohh
Not a bunch of Thursdays no
Not a bunch of Thursdays in a row
Wanna feel that took you in a wheel
Inside a box where all the doors are sealed
I want my feet to dance on different ground
We'll get somewhere not sit around
Give me a few silly Saturdays
I'll take the God it's finally Friday's
Or a lot of lazy Sundays
If we have a million more to go
Let's live them all and make them heydays then
Than just a bunch of Thursdays in a row
Oh oh oh ohh
Not a bunch of Thursdays no
Not a bunch of Thursdays in a row
How about we add a little spice
I'll take you on a rollercoaster ride
So throw your hands up in the air
Hold your breathe and maybe close your eyes
Give me a few silly Saturdays
I'll take the God it's finally Friday's
Or a lot of lazy Sundays
If we have a million more to go
Let's live them all and make them heydays then
Than just a bunch of Thursdays in a row
Oh oh oh ohh
Not a bunch of Thursdays no
Not a bunch of Thursdays in a row
Oh oh oh ohh
Not a bunch of Thursdays no
Not a bunch of Thursdays in a row

nacuichang 发表于 2011-3-6 15:05:54


绿茶 发表于 2011-3-6 16:35:16


哥只是个挂B 发表于 2011-3-6 17:25:00

我正在听tear drop
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