真正的旅者 发表于 2011-3-24 21:38:15

【a day a song ~2011.03.25】Someone like you-Shayne Ward

本帖最后由 真正的旅者 于 2011-4-19 23:06 编辑

从05年《that's my goal》初出茅庐到《no promise》的深情款款 再到《breathless》清新唯美,Shayne的歌一直是我的大爱。



=_____=有人误以为视频是错的 看清楚哇

这是个艰难的决定=-= 今天从新专辑中推《someone like you》一曲(每一首都喜欢所以纠结老久 最后因为今天交到一个好朋友, 这首很欢快 合气氛=O=介首歌么有MV也么有现场版- -。后面送上的视频是专辑中另两首主打曲目现场版。呃...我这一次其实推了3首诶)现场版视频很好看 大家看起吧~

Shayne Ward 05年从风靡英伦的高收视率歌唱比赛「The X Factor」获得冠军走红,身为里欧娜、亚历珊卓的正牌师兄,就连「英伦流行天王」罗比威廉斯,都是Shayne的头号粉丝!


英国星光首位刷新世界纪录冠军歌手睽违三年惊艳回归。继全英冠军专辑【Shayne Ward】、亚军专辑【Breathless】后第三张进化新作。avan Kotecha(Usher、Alexandra Burke)、Quiz & Larossi(小野猫)、Lucas Secon(Kylie Minogue)、Max Martin(布兰妮)等幕后冠军製作群碰撞脱胎换骨的音乐火花。在2010年11月推出全新个人第三张大碟《Obsession》,带来更都会性感的全新风格。




专辑第一波攻势"Gotta Be Somebody",翻唱加拿大摇滚天团Nickelback的告示牌Top10优歌,此回完全褪去Rock外衣,换上Electro-Pop时髦线条,以及弦乐温柔辅佐,直冲英国金榜Top12。

Gotta Be Somebody 携新曲重登The X Factor



Shayne Ward 《Obsession 》现场版


Someone like you
【歌词】 (=O=求高人译文)

Girl let's go ahead now
Let's let's go ahead now
Girl let's go ahead now
Go ahead now go ahead now

I know that you got a boyfriend
Who's waiting for ya
But i don't care about your boyfriend
Keep on waiting for ya
I wonder if everything on you girl
Is really real now
Checking you out checking you out
Now i figured it out figured it out

I wish i could hypnotize ya
Get in your head now
I won't ever snap my fingers
And let you back out
All i'm about all i'm about
Can you figure it out figure it out
Tell me when you wanna go

I just can't wait not another day
Girl say yes tonight
Say what you want but it's me you like
And i know what's been on your mind
My body over your body
Your body over my body
I always wanted somebody
Someone like you

Now that i gotta taste the heaven
I wanna go back
Know that the chance that i've been given
Can no one top that
Feel it we were meant to be together
Don't keep me from that
I got it knocked out got it knocked out
You're all i'm thinking about thinking about

I wish i could hypnotize ya
Get in your head now
I won't ever snap my fingers
And let you back out
All i'm about all i'm about

Can you figure it out figure it out
That's all i'm waiting for


I just can't wait not another day
Girl say yes tonight
Say what you want but it's me you like
And i know what's been on your mind
My body over your body
Your body over my body
I always wanted somebody
Someone like you


You say that you got a man and i wonder why
What you're doing here spending all your time
Baby one can see that you live a life
What you're meant to do to your man tonight
He'll never gonna love you more than i
Looking for the one that i gotta find
That i gotta find

I just can't wait not another day
Girl say yes tonight
Say what you want but it's me you like
And i know what's been on your mind
My body over your body
Your body over my body
I always wanted somebody
Someone like you

Girl let's go ahead now
Let's let's go ahead now
Girl let's go ahead now
Go ahead now go ahead now

Girl let's go ahead now
Let's let's go ahead now
Girl let's go ahead now
Go ahead now go ahead now




真正的旅者 发表于 2011-3-24 21:40:50


路人F 发表于 2011-3-24 21:58:47

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