路人F 发表于 2011-6-13 20:25:35

【a day a song~2011.6.13】Acid House Kings——Say Yes If You Love Me

acid House Kings是瑞典第一支吉他独立流行乐队。在1991年三个年轻人,Joakim Qdlund(同时也是Poprace和Starlet的成员)Nikas Angergard(来自Red Sleeping Beauty)以及Johan Angergard(曾经是Club 8和Poprace的成员)组成了Acid House Kings,他们在德国著名独立厂牌Marsh-marigold旗下发行了第一首单曲play pop。从92年开始,Acid House Kings开始他们第一个十年的三部发展计划,音乐以简单易上口的吉他乐为主,加以全新的题材以及日益成熟的曲风。他们的第一步,就是92年在Marsh-marigold发行的专辑Pop, look & listen。随后就是他们94年发行的6首歌的EP,Monaco G.P. ,以及欧洲巡演。

Somtimes i just want to cry
Blowing back to say goodbye
We can not stay
When you told me
And there again feeling tones
The guys always asking you why
Know that thing that cool
I have kind of
I just rap my arms around you
Cause i don't know what to do
Wo oh oh oh oh

Say yes if you love me,no if you don't care
Please say if you're asking me that you'll be there
Say yes if you love me,no if you don't care
Please if you're asking me that you'll be there

Sometimes i don't want to try,
Summer days will passes by
Makes me kind of sad
This oh certainty
Here I am christians again
Asking if you're still my friend.
When you said you've stay
I wasn't have that
I hope you thinking about me daily
I hope if there's no doubt
Wo oh oh oh oh

Say yes if you love me,no if you don't care
Please say if you're asking me that you'll be there
Say yes if you love me,no if you don't care
Please if you're asking me that you'll be there
There's certain kind of sadness
There's certain kind of joy
With everything you're doing
Wo oh oh oh oh

Say yes if you love me,no if you don't care
Please say if you're asking me that you'll be there
Say yes if you love me,no if you don't care
Please if you're asking me that you'll be there

路人F 发表于 2011-6-13 20:26:17



烤番薯 发表于 2011-6-13 20:59:17


路人F 发表于 2011-6-13 21:10:08

回复 3# 烤番薯


一半一半 发表于 2011-6-13 21:11:14


迷失者 发表于 2011-6-13 21:42:39

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