真正的旅者 发表于 2011-6-19 20:05:11

【a day a song~2011.06.18】Happy~~~Mocca

下午琢磨了好半天要放个啥,好好儿的周末,还是再来首欢快滴歌曲吧! 连续不断的雨天,考试是闹心纠结我们这么就了,那就听完这首歌放松一下吧。


mocca是印尼独立流行乐团的翘楚,乐队于1997年在印尼万隆成立,至今已13年,一共出版了4张唱片。除了《Friends》和《Untuk Rena》两张以外,还有一张极为著名的《My diary》和最新专辑《Colours》。mocca由一女三男共四位成员组成,核心人物是唯一的女成员Arina Ephipania Simangunsong,她是主唱兼笛子演奏。其余的三位成员是吉他Riko Prayitno,贝斯Achmad Pratama以及鼓手Indra Massad。
他们的音乐大都是轻快的,充盈着各种快乐的元素,比如bossa bova,disco以及华尔兹等等。这与海岛驻民天生的乐天和单纯不无关系。如果音乐是有颜色的,那么mocca的就是蓝、白、橙,蓝色的天空,白色的云朵和沙滩,以及橙色的太阳。

Life is just like a bowl of cherries
sometimes it's afraid filled with worries
Don't be afraid
when things go wrong just be strong
when thing seems up in the air
and every thing is so unfair
and you stumble and fall
just lick yourself up and sing
if one day you lose your way just
remember one thing,my friend
when you're under a cloud
just visit music and sing
if one day you lose your way just
remember that I'm here to stay
don't you give up
keep your chin up and
be happy!

Life is just like a bowl of cherries
sometimes it's afraid filled with worries
Don't be afraid
when things go wrong just be strong
when thing seems up in the air
and every thing is so unfair
and you stumble and fall
just lick yourself up and sing
if one day you lose your way just
remember one thing,my friend
when you're under a cloud
just visit music and sing
if one day you lose your way just
remember one thing,my friend
when you're under a cloud
just visit music and dance

if one day you lose your way just
remember that I'm here to stay
don't you give up
keep your chin up and
don't you give up
keep your chin up and
keep your chin up and
be happy!


Never lose the childlike wonder. It's just too important. It's what drives us.


迷失者 发表于 2011-6-19 21:29:04

小雨莫莫飘过 发表于 2011-6-19 22:35:59

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