真正的旅者 发表于 2011-7-17 23:13:06

【a day a song~2011.07.16】The new boy~~Mando Diao

本帖最后由 真正的旅者 于 2011-7-17 23:18 编辑

瑞典Mando Diao,音乐组合,共有五位成员,乐队组成人员个个都打扮得有模有样,是一支听起来和看起来都很好玩的乐队。2002年,乐队被EMI唱片公司慧眼相中,招至旗下。Mando Diao将过去在地下室录制的小样作为他们的第一张专辑正式发行,并且奇迹般地一炮而红,开始世界巡演。
五人均来自瑞典一个工业城市Borl nge,一个被誉为"the ugliest town in Sweden"的城市,那里吸毒率以及犯罪率特高,且学校内潜藏着不少帮派人士,就在这样的环境成长下,Mando Diao的音乐无疑带着一份浓厚的Garage的韵味。
在Mando Diao里存在着复杂的一面,音乐元素没有破坏Mando Diao乐团的精髓,甚至将他们的传统特色明显表现出来,风格更加精致,我想只有随意的午后来听更比较合适Mando Diao独有的内敛嗓音尤其强调了这种自娱自乐的氛围。

我的习惯是听歌的时候在乎歌词多过曲调,所以格外受不鸟烂大街滴某些网络歌曲 狼爱上羊 狐狸爱上熊 只因我已有了家 之类之类(除非有银写个 大帅锅爱上小恼虎 神马的&*%#@&*)MS介习惯有点儿偏门哩。。。
但是选择这一首,主要还是开始抓住耳朵的曲调和感觉。因为、因为偶木有准确掌握歌词的意思,囧里个囧的~越来越深刻滴体会到 歌词翻译 真的是技术外加艺术活儿。比如以下介一首,其实没啥特别难懂的词句,也能够感受传达的部分意思,但就是很难准确用中文表达得来。。。网上也有翻译,但基本都停留在技术层面儿,总脚着精气神儿不足似的。所以还是纯英文放上,理解就见仁见智咯。

She was only 21
But so much older than she"s now
Now she passed the 24
I guess it"s time to say good bye
Here"s the new
Here"s the real
Here"s the life you like to live
Now here"s the new boy taking on the world tonight

When we met
She smelled like honey
When we kissed
She tasted tears
Then for 14000 seconds
We made love behind old fears
Here"s the new
Here"s the real
Here"s the life you like to live
Now here"s the new boy taking on the world tonight

Take the words on your way
I don"t waste the things I say
When in doubt, fuck the world
Forget all the things you"ve heard
Now here"s the new boy taking on the world tonight

Why so sad?
Don"t you like my way of life?
I don"t last forever
Neither do the things we love
You are wise, this is now

This is all the things I want
Everything around us
Is moving except the time
She was only 24
But so much younger than the past
We"ve laid all our troubles down
And now it"s us against the rest

Here"s the new
Here"s the real
Here"s the life you like to live
Now here"s the new boy taking on the world tonight

Take the words on your way
I don"t waste the things I say
When in doubt, fuck the world
Forget all the things you"ve heard
Now here"s the new boy taking on the world tonight

听的时候会YY一下,介个new boy会不会与她走向 Happy ending 哩?

银之时 发表于 2011-7-17 23:41:48

银之时 发表于 2011-7-17 23:41:58

路人F 发表于 2011-7-17 23:48:20

雪汐 发表于 2011-7-18 12:41:45

迷失者 发表于 2011-7-18 14:54:43

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