真正的旅者 发表于 2011-7-25 22:21:47

【a day a song~2011.07.25】sing a song--sunya

本帖最后由 真正的旅者 于 2011-7-25 22:22 编辑


卡农还有童声版、饶舌版、佛拉门戈版、爵士版等各种《卡农》。无论忧伤还是快乐,总有适合各种情绪的《卡农》版本能满足双耳与心灵的需要哦,哇咔咔,偶好喜欢啊啊啊,乃们捏?(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

现在偶要给大家带来一首很好听滴经典英文歌曲,sunya 的sing a song.希望大家喜欢,哈哈~~~记得留下乃们的脚印哦~~

when days were young
under moon light
lying on grass dreaming our ways
how i wish him singing with me
when days were young he said goodbye
pale moon dark night
i never cry

i sing a song sing a song bring me back to where i belong
sing a song to the boy with childlike smile and shining eyes
sing a song to the pretty story he share and he made
sing a song to this wide world that set us apart i will
sing a song sing a song bring me back to where i belong
sing a song to the boy with childlike smile and shining eyes
sing a song to the pretty story he share and he made
sing a song to this wide world that set us apart i will
sing a song he lives forever and ever in my mind

in my mind
everything we had he smile
he would smile , he would smile
telling me the story of a starry night
starry night
i will be missing childlike boy with all my life
i will be missing
childlike boy with all my life
missing him with one big smile

Mono酱 发表于 2011-7-25 22:24:13


绿茶 发表于 2011-7-25 22:25:14


南宫海岚 发表于 2011-7-26 00:09:40


dido 发表于 2011-7-26 08:06:30


低調╭ァ崮rz 发表于 2011-7-26 06:07:38


南宫海岚 发表于 2011-7-26 01:06:03

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