真正的旅者 发表于 2011-8-2 23:37:24

【a day a song~2011.08.02】Friday is forever--we the kings

本帖最后由 真正的旅者 于 2011-8-3 22:12 编辑

今天给大家推荐的是美国新晋乐团 we the kings 的 friday is forever
I knew a girl in shades of blue,
Who broke my heart and said "We're through"
Waiting for a girl like you
To change me like the weather
Since she left me high and dry
Split me like a Gemini
All those days are passing by
Like flowers in December

Friday is forever, we belong together
So come on, come on,
And don't you say never
If you go then I know, there is no tomorrow
So come on, come on,
You should know better
It's right, it's time for you and I
Friday is forever, we should be together tonight

No more living in her head,
No more crashing in my bed,
I'd rather go with you instead
Don't care where we end up
Hold your body close to mine
Blame it on the blood red wine
It takes a week to finally find that Friday is forever
Friday is forever, we belong together
So come on, come on,
And don't you say never
If you go then I know, there is no tomorrow
So come on, come on,
You should know better
It's right, it's time for you and I
Friday is forever, we should be together tonight

Don't be afraid, we will stay this way
Don't ever change, I'm in love with you

Friday is forever, we belong together
So come on, come on,
And don't you say never
If you go then I know, there is no tomorrow
So come on, come on,
You should know better
It's right, it's time for you and I
Friday is forever, we should be together tonight
Friday is forever, we belong together
Friday is forever, we should be together tonight
We should be together tonight


We The Kings是一支来自美国佛罗里达的新晋乐团。他们将自己的音乐风格称为“Power Pop”,而他们的音乐确实也非常有力。他们在2007年发布的同名专辑《We The Kings》,曾在Billboard 200上取得第151名的成绩。这是一支相当年轻的队伍。

We The Kings成员第一次见面是在佛罗里达州的布雷登顿的玛莎B金中学;他们的名字是指这个机构。在2000年的时候,乐队在Manatee高校开始一起练习,招聘经纪人后,乐队进入了Pure Volume前十名。 在乐队继续在互联网网站如MySpace获得成功之后 ,他们和S-Curve Record唱片公司签约,并在2007年10月2日发行了首张同名专辑。该专辑达到了Billboard最具潜力新人唱片排行榜第3名和专辑销量排行榜第15名。
We The Kings曾与许多乐队进行巡回演出,如Cobra Starship, Valencia, Just Surrender,Metro Station,Boys Like Girls, All Time Low, The Audition, Cute Is What We Aim For, Madina Lake, Mayday Parade, andPowerspace。歌曲"This Is Our Town"是新一季One Tree Hill的插曲。2月4日,他们的歌曲“Check Yes Juliet”在iTune上作为免费的单曲。 4月8日,“Check Yes Juliet”作为了MTV台的The Hill里的一首插曲。据宣布, We The Kings在2008年的户外音乐节中参加巡演。乐队在4月开始了他们和Valencia, The Cab, Sing It Loud, and Charlotte Sometimes合作的第一场巡演"Long Hair Don't Care"。在5月和6月里, We The Kings 会作为Cute Is What We Aim For和 Boys Like Girls的表演嘉宾。

  * Travis Clark – 主唱/吉他
  * Hunter Thomsen – 吉他/和音
  * Drew Thomsen – 贝斯
  * Danny Duncan – 鼓
  Taylor Clark -鼓
  Brian Sconberg - 吉他
  Jordan Chaplinski - 吉他
  Todd Purifoy - 贝司
  Billy Daugherty - 吉他

低調╭ァ崮rz 发表于 2011-8-2 23:56:41


低調╭ァ崮rz 发表于 2011-8-2 23:56:53


南宫海岚 发表于 2011-8-3 00:16:25


南宫海岚 发表于 2011-8-3 00:16:31

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