真正的旅者 发表于 2011-12-13 11:39:38

【a day a song~2011.12.13】Accidently Kelly Street——Frente


各位童鞋早上好,下面跟大家分享电影《蓝色大门》片尾曲 Accidently Kelly Street,希望它轻快的旋律能把大家从对温暖被窝的眷恋中唤醒,开启快乐的一天。
Accidently Kelly Street来自澳洲乐队Frente。乐队取了一个西班牙文的名字,即英文“Front”的意思,中文通常翻译为“佛朗迪”。他们原本把自己称 为"Frente!",过后队里某个成员心血来潮,提议把!给省略掉,得到了大家的一致同意。于是,Frente便成了这个组合的代名词。


here's a door and here's a window
here's the ceiling
here's the floor
the room is lit like a black and white movie
the t.v.'s on, that's what it's for
and if you walk real slowly
you can feel the planet breathe
there's no need to feel so lowly
now that we've all learned to give

accidently kelly street
where friends and strangers
sometimes meet
accidently kelly street
i never thought life
could be so sweet

in the garden birds are singing
the sun is shining on the path
the wind is talking to the flowers
the dogs and cats all take a bath
and if you stop that talking
you can hear the traffic sigh
throw away those keys
start walking, watch those
tiny things go by

accidently kelly street
where friends and strangers
sometimes meet
accidently kelly street
i never thought life
could be so sweet

it's sunday everyday
and there's no need to rush around
inside of everybody there's sun
and laughter to be found
it seems that we're on holidays
and sleeping in is not a sin
all the housework's done by teatime
i'm feeling good about
the way i've been
perhaps this optimism
will crash on down
like a house of cards
i know that my decision
to change my life was not that hard

accidently kelly street
where friends and strangers
sometimes meet
accidently kelly street
i never thought life
could be so sweet
where friends and strangers
accidently kelly street
sometimes meet
accidently kelly street
i never thought life
could be so sweet
accidently kelly street
i never thought life
could be so sweet!

迷失者 发表于 2011-12-13 12:46:58

253832119 发表于 2011-12-13 12:51:27

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