真正的旅者 发表于 2011-12-14 20:20:09

【a day a song~2011.12.14】Everything Comes and Goes——Michelle Branch

   在美国Arizona州长大的Michelle Branch,出生于1983年7月2日,自小便自学吉他和钢琴。在Michelle Branch的14岁生日宴会上,她得到了自己梦寐以求的礼物---自己平生的第一把吉他。此后,Michelle Branch仿佛就和音乐结下了不解的缘分。在一次纽约的演出结束后的后台,Michelle Branch意外见到了歌坛大姐大Madonna,Michelle Branch得知自己早已得到Madonna的赏识。最终Madonna将Michelle Branch这位年轻的才女签到了自己的Maverick唱片公司。成为继Alanis Morissette之后第二位由Madonna发掘的新人。

  2000年,Michelle Branch曾推出过一张独立唱片《broke bracelet》,虽然本张唱片在唱片界影响不大,但却得到与自己同龄的Hanson乐队的欣赏,在Hanson的一次演唱会上,Michelle Branch成为特邀嘉宾,加入到了hanson的巡演之中。

  2001年,Michelle Branch发行了加入Maverick公司后的第一张正式专辑《The Spirit Room》,并获得好评。其中《Everywhere》和《All You Wanted》成为热门单曲。
  2003年7月,Michelle Branch发行个人第二张专辑《Hotel Paper》。


Time is going by so fast
And I can't do anything about it
I’ve been holding on so long
It's time that I can do without it

Everything comes and goes
I'm always the last to know
I can see the sun come up another day

You were looking for some fun
And I was asking for a heartache
I should turn my head and run
Or I could learn it all the hard way

Everything comes and goes
I'm always the last to know
I can see the sun come up another day

You should make up your mind
After all of this time, all this time

Everything comes and goes
I'm always the last to know
I can see the sun come up another day
I can see the sun come up another day

ready 发表于 2011-12-14 20:28:38


迷失者 发表于 2011-12-14 22:31:07

chu911010 发表于 2011-12-14 23:14:45

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